How to Acquire the Art of Dr. Seuss

Chase Art Companies is the exclusive publisher of the Dr. Seuss Artworks. The Collection is only available for acquisition through an Authorized Gallery or a Click-to-Buy Arabic numbered selection that is available on this website.

If you would like to accomplish one of the following: Verify the authorized status of a Gallery or find an authorized Gallery nearest you. Please contact Chase Art Companies at, and include your name, city or zip code, and phone number so we can direct you to the nearest authorized Dr. Seuss Gallery. You may also contact us at 888.224.2731 ext. 0 and provide the same information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many of your questions regarding the collection can be answered here, or contact an authorized dealer to discuss The Art of Dr. Seuss.

View FAQ →

Certificate of Authenticity

Each work is accompanied by a comprehensive Certificate of Authenticity giving collectors pertinent information regarding the processes used to reproduce each work, including how it was created, when it was made, the limits of the edition, and other relevant information. A sample of each certificate can be provided for your review prior to making an acquisition.