There is No one Alive Who is You-er Than You!


There is No one Alive Who is You-er Than You!


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1,895 USD - Unframed
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Mixed Media Pigment Print on Archival Canvas
Authorized Estate Edition

Dimensions: 24”h x 36” w

Limited Edition of 850 Arabic Numbers
99 Patrons’ Collection
155 Collaborators’ Proofs
5 Hors d’Commerce
2 Printer’s Proofs

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“Today you are you! That is truer than true!
There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”

Ted Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss, wrote those words in 1959 as the hallmark passage to his book, Happy Birthday to You! But like many Dr. Seuss books, what appears at first glance to be a phrase full of fun and whimsy is actually something infinitely more impactful.

Ted implores us to celebrate ourselves in these words and images. He inspires us to embrace our own unique qualities and express our differences to the world. This theme permeated much of his work throughout his career, always encouraging us to be true to ourselves and recognize the individual traits that make each one of us special.

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