Oh, the Places You'll Go! Cover Illustration


Oh, the Places You'll Go! Cover Illustration


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495 USD - Unframed
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Fine Art Pigment Print on Acid-Free Paper with deckled edges
Authorized Estate Edition

Image Size: 13" x 17.5"
Paper Size: 16.5" x 20.5"

Limited Edition of 2500 Arabic Numbers
99 Patrons’ Collection
155 Collaborators’ Proofs
2 Printer's Proofs
5 Hors d'Commerce

This work is also printed in a deluxe format comprised of 850 Arabic Numbers and 155 Collaborators' Proofs. The total size of the edition is 3,766.

“Oh, the Places You’ll Go! is vintage Seuss, an anything-but-solemn illustrated sermon on the thrills and adventures that await you on the road to success in life. Of course, the doctor points out the pitfalls as well as the summits. But in the end all comes out right, as that young pajama-clad Seussian hero triumphs over the delightfully fearsome pictorial creatures that bestrew this way.” — Herb Kupferberg’s May 1990 syndicated conversation with Dr. Seuss

Dr. Seuss’s iconic cover image has become synonymous with the ideals outlined in Kupferberg’s statement above. The fact that it graces the cover of his last book has catapulted the image into the public conscious at a level beyond that of nearly any other Seussian image. 

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